How to motivate yourself

What Is Motivation ?

Motivation is an action or word which influences others in terms of culture, work, behaviour, etc. Motivation is derived from the word motive, which means a need with required satisfaction. The role of motivation is very high in any organization or workplace. Motivation can benefit in different ways. This motivation is of two types.

If the motivation has been done or happened by another person or a third party, it is known as extrinsic motivation. Because it happened with the help of outside forces. On the other hand, if the motivation is done from the inside of the mind or soul and one gets motivated by themselves, it is called intrinsic motivation. Let us discuss the importance of motivation, its significance, and its benefits to the employees and the organization in detail. 

Nature of Motivation:

Motivation is a psychological phenomenon which generates within an individual. A person feels the lack of certain needs, to satisfy which he feels working more. The need satisfying ego motivates a person to do better than he normally does.

Importance of Motivation

When you're motivated, you have a desire to change your life. Motivation pushes you towards your goal because of a desire for change. Motivation helps you clarify your goal so you know exactly what you're working towards. Management tries to utilize all the sources of production in a best possible manner. This can be achieved only when employees co-operate in this task. Efforts should be made to motivate employees for contributing their maximum. The efforts of management will not bear fruit if the employees are not encouraged to work more. The motivated employees become an asset to the organization. 

How To Motivate Yourself

1. Set Your Goals

2. Motivational Videos

3. Start Reading Books

4. Music Playlist

5. Make Hobbies

6. Workout

7. Meditation

8. Praise Achievements

9. Eight Hours Sleep

10. Develop your skills

11. Invest in Yourself
